Friday, 30 March 2012

Darland Banks - 30th March 2012

I walked from one end (Hempstead) to the Other (Luton/Chatham) this morning. Lots of singing Chiffs (9) and Blackcaps (4). No migrants to really speak of though. I was hoping the movement of Red Kites yesterday might continue overhead in Medway, but alas, no BOPs other than a Kestrel in a large Beech tree mewing it's excited/anxious calls suggesting probable breeding somewhere nearby. Several Jackdaws passing overhead with nesting material in their beaks and a Great-spotted Woodpecker drumming somewhere in the woods. Also two Green Woodpeckers and the usual fayre of Tits, Finches and Corvids.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Berengrave and Rainham Dock East

As part of my recce for the upcoming Nightingale survey, I had a brief walk around Berengrave NR and into Rainham Dock East. Walking the loop around the disused quarry/pit was enjoyable in the sunshine and accompanied by at least four singing Chiffchaff. Also about; Green Woodpecker, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Blackbird, Jay, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Wren, Dunnock and down by the small pond a Coot. Moving into Rainham Dock East I picked out a Med Gull circling amongst a few Black-headed Gulls (it tends to give itself away with its call). More singing Chiffs and from the viewing screen a single Cetti's could be heard.

Hopefully at the end of April and into May, these areas will be dripping with Nightingales.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Some updates.

I've not birded that much in Medway this year, but did see the Long-tailed Duck again in January at Chatham Maritime and went out for the Red-necked Grebe at Cliffe:

Red-necked Grebe - Timber Lake, Cliffe Pools, Kent on 16th Feb.

I went across to see the Hooded Merganser at Whetsted GP's on 29th Feb:

Hooded Merganser - Whetsted Gravel Pits on 29th Feb.

On Thursday 15th March I went across to Sheppey and spent a few hours around Elmley RSPB. Good for raptors, but not much else other than two Med Gulls flying over. I found a couple of Marsh Harriers, a single ringtail Hen Harrier, a Peregrine, a Merlin and this Short-eared Owl:

Short-eared Owl, Elmley RSPB on 15th March.

I heard my first singing Chiffchaff this morning in the garden and have just got the moth trap running again. So far I've only had a few species:
Hebrew Character
Common Quaker
Early Grey
CLouded Drab
Small Quaker